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CBD Pet Tinctures

CBD Pet Tinctures

Bulk CBD for Pets and Wholesale CBD for Pets, Specially Formulated by leading veterinary expert on Cannabis for Dogs, Cannabis for Cats, using CBD for Pets, CBD for Horses, CBD for Cats, CBD for Dogs, and CBD for everyday veterinary health and wellness

CBD For Pets – CBD Products for Pets

CBD Pet Tinctures

Silver Shadow CBD is the exclusive bulk and wholesale hemp CBD distributor to the largest producer, manufacturer, of fully legal, vertically integrated, CBD rich hemp and wholesale CBD concentrates in the US. We provide bulk CBD formulations for pets, and wholesale CBD for animals, including wholesale CBD for dogs and wholesale CBD, bulk CBD for cats.  We highly recommend anyone who uses CBD for dogs, CBD for cats, CBD for animals, to read Dr. Silver’s book and educate yourselves on how cannabis effects pets, and learn how CBD can help your dog, help your cat, or help your animals in various ways.

CBD Pet Tinctures